Our Ingredients

What goes into our treats?

We care about your pet's health as much as you do. We're always researching what's best for our furry friends before serving them any types of food.

Dog Ingredients

Oat Flour

Oat flour is known to have high contents of protein and fiber which makes it ideal for those who have digestive issues. If you're worried about weight issues, oat flour has zero calories so it's a great choice for a tasty yet healthy substitute. Not only that, oat flour retains more water which makes your dog feel fuller faster.


Almond Flour

For dogs that are gluten free, we use almond flour which is a popular alternative to other types of flour. They are high in healthy fats, calcium, fiber, vitamin E, iron and plant-based proteins as well as low in carbohydrates.


Cream Cheese

Dogs can have cream cheese as long as they aren't lactose intolerant. We use this as part of our frosting sometimes as an extra treat for your dog. If you're concerned about their weight or them eating dairy, let us know!



Plain, low or non-fat yogurt can provide probiotic benefits and serve as an excellent source of calcium for dogs. A small spoonful of yogurt can help with digestion and keep your dog staying full longer.



Pumpkin is a favorite amongst dogs! It’s full of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and minerals. This is great for dogs with a sensitive stomach or if you want healthier stool.


Peanut Butter

We make sure to only use pure peanut butter without any xylitol which is toxic to dogs. Peanut butter is often used as a high value treat and we love using it in ours!


Carob Chips

It's not chocolate! Carob chips are a safe and healthy alternative to chocolate for dogs. They contain key nutrients such as fiber (aids in digestion), calcium, magnesium and potassium (promotes bone health). We use carob as a natural sweetener since it doesn't have the harmful effects of chocolate.
